1. First the sad:  I woke up to the sound of my father crying today.  My uncle was the victim of a hit and run in January and has been in a rehabilitation hospital since late February.  Though he’s made a tremendous amount of progress, we’re finding it difficult to face the reality of the situation.  He will likely never walk or live on his own again.  Oddly, my impulse is to immediately focus on the positive; a few months ago he didn’t even remember me.  But, there’s no escaping how much everything about the situation sucks.  Not that anyone ever deserves something like this, but my uncle has spent his whole life giving to other people and neither expecting nor receiving much of anything in return.
  2. Now a lil happy: In other news, has anyone seen “The First Wives Club?”  It’s strange how easy I can identify with three middle age divorcées.  & I love Diane Keaton so much. =)
  3. And some super-happy: The family I nanny for had their third child this morning.  It’s a girl!!!  I know it’s going to be insanely stressful once I go back to work, but for now I’m so excited.  It’s nice to have a bit of sunshine amongst all this ickiness.